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Hardcore Soft Skills Podcast

Oct 17, 2023

Decision-making is a very necessary skill we need as leaders. In this episode, you will learn the best approaches to decision-making with a decision-making expert. 

Cheryl Strauss Einhorn ( founded Decisive, a decision sciences company that trains people and teams in complex problem solving...

Oct 10, 2023

If you lsten to this podcast, you are definitely into improving yourself. You read boks, listen to podcast, seek mentors, and you are loking for answers to help you get to a next level. You need coaching. Even if you have not yet hired the help of an actual coach, you can take steps to coach yourself.

Coach Yourself us...

Oct 3, 2023

This is a replay of an interview which aired in Nov 2021. 




My guest today, Oscar Trimboli ( ), shared some fascinating data that made me realized, we are barely listening to each other. Oscar is the author of Deep listening and Breakthroughs, professional speaker and...